What’s your 2040? Are you brave enough to be a part of the change?
Over the weekend, I snuggled down on the couch with my family and watched a documentary. We love documentaries in our house, in fact, I’ve loved documentaries my whole life. But this one struck a chord with me, and I just can’t stop thinking about it.
The documentary 2040 talks about our earth, what’s happening to it, and how we can make positive change right now, to see a different future in 2040.
“This journey is the central premise for the documentary ‘2040’, a story of hope that looks at the very real possibility that humanity could reverse global warming and improve the lives of every living thing in the process. It is a positive vision of what ‘could be’, instead of the dystopian future we are so often presented.” 2040 documentary
Straight after the film finished, my 14 (very soon to be 15) year old daughter jumped off the couch and ran into the garage. Half an hour later she came out with gardening gloves, shovels, seeds and other gardening bits and bobs. I looked at her in wonderment – I’m the only one in our family who nurtures and tends to the garden.
“What’s all this?” I asked
My daughter replied, “I’m going to make a start for my 2040.” And off she toddled with gardening gear dragging through the house and leaving a trail behind her…
A few hours later, she had planted seeds, nurtured the garden, fertilised the veggies patch we already have, and most importantly she felt like she had made a difference by tending to our earth.

The power of our youth and how they have the answers is something we need to take into account on a regular basis. They take action, they are brave and courageous and can make a difference and do make a difference. We can all learn and grow from that.
I am a bit of a greenie at heart. I separate our recycling and have reduced our waste. I have worm farms and compost, I grow a veggie garden, I utilise what we already have instead of buying new. I try – where I can, to buy ingredients which are not in plastic packaging – though this is a hard one. I cook nutritious meals for my family, mostly organic (also where I can) and the list goes on.
I do try and make a difference little by little. But watching this film brought a new level of my own ability to make a difference and certainly to my own children.
But how can I make an impact, when it’s just me?
We can all make an impact in some small way. Just like my daughter taking action. It’s never too late to start, and it’s never not enough. Just like when I was working in fundraising – many moons ago. Every dollar at the charity I worked for, put ALL funds raised into finding a cure for childhood cancers, every single cent. And it made a difference. Pretty important stuff.
It’s just like now. Every tiny thing we do, every time we decide to ride our bike to the shops, instead of drive, or pour out our leftover glass of water on the plants in your garden or street. Whatever small act you can do is going to help us move forward together on this earth.

After this year’s bushfires here in Australia, and now we are flooding in places, it has become even more apparent that we need to do something to protect our planet, even sooner than perhaps some of us thought.
So I ask you this, how does 2040 look to you? Are you brave enough to make a difference? And what are you going to do to help make that happen?
Check out the documentary, it really is informative and thought-provoking, a great visual tool to help us all see our future.
If you have already seen it, I would love to hear from you, and together we can share ideas, tips and tricks on making our 2040 the one we all dream of.
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Live your best and bravest life, I know you can. Take that first step. It’s waiting, just for you.
1 Comment
Diane Elliott · February 19, 2020 at 11:16 am
How wonderful are our young ones . They really are our future and this is where our future will see great changes to our planet, Thank you for sharing.