Transforming your life requires bravery
Transforming your life requires bravery
WELCOME to SEASON 2 of the When we are Brave Podcast
Dr Wendy Bruton talks with us on how you have to be brave and to transform your life or yourself, and how it takes courage and let yourself heal. We discuss multiple techniques on how we can be brave to follow our dreams, including the 7 levels of why and the importance of meditation. This is a beautiful conversation filled with authenticity and love, I know you will love.
Wendy Talks about:
- Wendy shares with us who she is and where she is from, including how she married her high school sweetheart and is filled with the love from her family of 4 children and 4 grandchildren.
- With a PHD in counselling and supervision, she utilises her skills to help the women as a life and business coach, working with women who have gone through a professional trauma and wanting to transform their lives.
- Doing things scared and being willing to stay the course, to move forward even when it doesn’t feel secure to move forward knowing that better things are going to happen for you and other people is a brave thing to do. But being brave has another component to it, which is being really kind to yourself. It is so important to be kind to yourself and acknowledged the fear and the paralysis in your life, when we feel stuck, when we are scared to move forward, and be brave enough to move forward.
- Sometimes it’s ok to give yourself permission to move slowly to give yourself time to heal. In Wendy’s experience, when you have a change in your life, where you have to do something different, and bravery is required to transform your life or yourself, then the tendency is to move fast and to make decisions quickly. You can be secure in taking the time to stop, this takes a lot of courage to let yourself heal.
- If you have realised what your dreams are, and you have figured out what they are, they should be scary, to dream big. It takes bravery to be able to get to where you want to go. When you identify what you want, and why you want it, you are ready to start to move forward even if it is scary.
- Journaling is a tool Wendy has used throughout her life to shift and sort through situations, helping her find clarity. One of the key techniques Wendy recommends when working through a transformative period and working out what you truly want in your life is to use the 7 layers of why this tool has helped Wendy to have the courage to move forward. It enables you to get very clear on why you want to do it.
- Providing examples of how this process works, Wendy explains how we can dig deep into finding our clarity in what we want.
- Another tool Wendy discussed is the need to get the right help when you are going through a challenging or transformative period. Finding the right therapist or coach who can listen to you outside of your circle is so beneficial and helps you to move through transformative times.
- Meditation has also been a vital tool for Wendy to feel courageous in life and to find her bravery. It took her some time to find her way with meditation. Meditation is scientifically proven to help us with stress levels and many other areas in your life. Listening to your body and noticing what is happening in your body can help you connect to yourself. Your body remembers what has happened to you, Wendy recommends the book Your body keeps the score.
Wendy’ s Tips for Living Bravely.
Meditation can help you become strong enough to be brave.
Understanding your WHY gives you the strength and clarity to be able to function bravely.
You can connect with Wendy.
So, my friends, until next time, be brave and live your best.
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