
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome, stop listening to the voice in your head and trust in yourself.

Published by Tiffany on

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
When you lose yourself, is when you find yourself.

Shown through vulnerability, Sarah talks to us about her Imposter Syndrome in the Royal Australian Navy as a Naval Officer.

Sarah talks about the voice in our head “The Prince of Lies” which can take over our world, how to stop listening to it and start tuning into your own intuition.

Recovering from PTSD, High function anxiety and Alcoholism, Sarah now lives an entirely different life, filled with wellness and the goal to help others who too have lived with imposter syndrome. This episode includes some fabulous tips on how to overcome imposter syndrome and the negative voice who talks to us all.

  • Sarah shares her story of her life and how she joined the Nary at the age 17, how she served in the Gulf war and was one of the youngest ever qualified female navigators. Sarah shows us how her world engulfed her with PTSD, alcohol abuse and high functioning anxiety and how she slowly shifted her vision of herself to what her life now looks like. 
  • Shown through vulnerability, Sarah talks to us about Imposter Syndrome and how the voice in our head – which she calls “the prince of lies” can take over our world and includes some fabulous tips on how to overcome imposter syndrome and the negative voice who talks to us all. 
  • During Sarah’s time as a Naval Officer and her time in the Gulf war, she explains how her experiences throughout the war have moulder her into who she is today, and now how she helps women across the globe to live as their authentic self, empowering them to live their best and bravest life.  
  • Sarah shows us how we can truly look inward and face who we really are and be brave in doing so. Sarah encourages us all to find our calm, and use it as your won super power to help you live your best and bravest life.  




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So my friends, until next time, be brave and live your best life. 

For more inspiration, grab a copy of my book Brave Enough Now, an inspirational story of self-discovery, survival and hope.